Have you noticed how you always see the same old bikes displayed at classic bike shows ? Z1's, RD's, GT's and CBX's everywhere you look ? Nothing wrong with them of course, nice bikes, but it'd be nice to see something a bit different wouldn't it ? That's what we thought. When was the last time you saw an MVX250F ? Probably never, you might not even know what one is.
We'd been going to the shows for a few years but you rarely see many - if any - of 'our kind of bikes' on display. We happened to own a few unusual examples between us and so decided to show some of them off to a wider audience. We took a small stand at the Classic Mechanics Show at Stafford (Oct 2006) and put five bikes on it.
We weren't pretending to be experts about these bikes - you probably know more than we do. We weren't claiming to have the best examples either - these certainly aren't mint restorations or even 100% original, they're bikes that get ridden for fun. We just wanted to let people see something that they might not be able to see elsewhere.
Despite a few misgivings (Were the bikes mint enough ? Were they too modern for a 'classic' show ?) the response was very good. Check the Stafford 2006 page for more details.
So what next then ? Well, we'd already been invited to the VJMC 25th Anniversary Show and accepted, but in the meantime we wanted to try and get a few other people involved. Despite being asked by a few showgoers, we had no
intention of starting a proper club, but the demand seemed to be there for some sort of online community. There are lots out there already of course and we regularly use them ourselves, but you asked for it and so we
launched the Forum.
For the VJMC Anniversary Show (Jul 2007), we wanted to raise our game. We told them we'd be displaying twice as many bikes as the first time so we'd definitely need help to pull it off. And that's exactly what we got. A post on the forum resulted in several offers of bikes and they duly arrived as planned, making a great display. That's not just our opinion either, check out the Uttoxeter 2007 page for details and pictures.
A few months later, our 1st Birthday saw us appearing at Stafford 2007 with a bigger and better stand and even more new people joining in. We seem to be doing something right, filling a small niche without trying to overlap with any of the other specialist clubs.
2008 saw us appearing at the Bristol Classic Show for the first time.  Maybe even more 'classic' than we're used to, but we seemed to attract plenty of attention - see
the Bristol 2008 page for details and pictures.
A few months later, the second running of the VJMC Uttoxeter Show (Jul 2008). The most bikes we've ever displayed, and none that we'd ever shown before either, including one priceless piece of racing history. A couple of trophies
came our way too so we must be doing something right. See the Uttoxeter 2008 page for full details.
Our 2nd Birthday saw us appearing at Stafford 2008 with a cool all-Suzuki display and a personal appearance by a certain 1993 500cc World Champion ! Our best show yet, with plenty of new people joining in.
Following that, we visited the Classic Motor Show at the NEC in November to check out their bike exhibition, with a view to taking part next year. Once Christmas and New Year were over, it was time for Bristol 2009 with another attempt to persuade the people of the South West that they really want an 80's Japanese icon in their garage.
The Uttoxeter 2009 show saw us do something a bit, well, diff'rent. Not a single two-stroke on the stand, but hopefully you'll agree we did a good job. At the end of the day, we're punters visiting a show too, we know what we'd like to see so if it's not being done by someone else we'll try to make it happen.
A few of us also made an appearance at the last 2-Stroke Sunday of the year.
And then it was our 3rd birthday at Stafford 2009 with an all-Honda line-up in honour of special-guest Freddie Spencer.
A month later and we debuted at a huge event, the NEC Classic Motor Show 2009.
Into 2010 and we decided not to do the Bristol Show this time. We made an appearance at the NSR Weekend though, well some of us did...
More successful was our expedition to the Dutch Classic Superbike Meeting a month later.
The Uttoxeter 2010 show saw a return to our 2-stroke roots, but with a slight twist. Not a particularly successful one as it turned out, but an enjoyable weekend nevertheless.
Back on form for Stafford 2010 with a display of 250's and more new people getting involved.
And now for Something Completely Diff'rent - not a show or event as such, but it did involve bikes and all four founder members, and we did wear our club T-shirts...
We couldn't manage the NEC Classic Motor Show in 2010 though we do want to do it again. We didn't do Bristol either, and sadly the Dutch Superbike meeting didn't happen. The next event was Uttoxeter 2011 where we pulled off another great Suzuki line-up and won another award.
Later the same month we joined in on the trackday at Cadwell Park hosted by Classic Bike Trackdays.
And a month later, a few of the forum regulars joined in at the Yorkshire 2-Stroke Day.
Before we knew it, it was time for Stafford 2011 again, which means we've been doing this for 5 years !
Into 2012 and time for the second trackday at Cadwell Park hosted by Classic Bike Trackdays.
What's The Chip Shop Run ? We've just made it up, and it's brilliant...
There was no Uttoxeter show this year by the way. Our roving reporter missed the second Classic Bike Trackdays event of the year at Mallory but we were at the third one at Donington.
An even bigger turnout this year for Yorkshire 2-Stroke Day.
And a return to where it all started for Stafford 2012 with another variation on a theme. And - at long last - recognition in the form of a best club stand trophy !
2013 and something new. A great turnout of new and old people for the inaugural SouthWest SmokeFest and an eclectic line-up of cool strokers fired up and out for a run together.
Another trackday at Cadwell Park hosted by Classic Bike Trackdays and it was a big one !
7 years old at Stafford 2013 with yet more cool strokers.
Homologation specials on track at Donington 2014 for World Superbikes !
A new one for us, a great visit to CMC 2-Stroke Day.
Another trackday/party weekend at Cadwell Park hosted by Classic Bike Trackdays.
Our ninth show at Stafford with another 2-stroke line-up.
On track at the Welsh Classic Motorcycle Festival at Anglesey hosted by Classic Bike Trackdays.
VIP treatment at the Barry Sheene Festival courtesy of Suzuki GB and Endurance Legends.
The DS Northern Correspondent also made it to Barton Bike Night where he found some interesting stuff amongst the 20000 turnout.
Soon it was time again for the big trackday weekend at Cadwell Park hosted by Classic Bike Trackdays.
Our first visit to the Classic Motorcycle Festival at Donington, but definitely not the last.
Another cracking Yorkshire 2-Stroke Day.
Stafford Show - that's ten of these we've done now !
Another great turnout for CMC 2-Stroke Day.
And big crowds as usual at Barton Bike Night.
Loads of two-strokes at the big trackday weekend at Cadwell Park hosted by Classic Bike Trackdays.
A slightly smaller turnout for Yorkshire 2-Stroke Day this year, but still a top event.
Our tenth birthday at Stafford Show.
May 2017, and the brilliant Endurance Legends weekend at Donington.
Is the Cadwell Trackday Weekend the best event of the year ? Very probably.
A little quieter than usual at Barton Bike Night.
Our 12th display at Stafford Show.
May 2018, and another cracking weekend at the Endurance Legends event at Donington.
A month later and the usual brilliant weekend at Cadwell...
...which was just a warm-up for the amazing Classic Suzuki Day.
Our 13th display at Stafford Show.
Wacky Races at Bridington Race The Waves.
Our 14th (and so far, final !) official visit to Stafford Show.
Been a few years since we made it to Yorkshire 2-Stroke Day but it was worth the wait.
And in these strange times, the next event we made it to was... Yorkshire 2-Stroke Day.
And 7 years after we first visited, we were back at the Welsh Classic Motorcycle Festival at Anglesey hosted by Classic Bike Trackdays.
More shenanigans with the VJMC at Bridington Race The Waves!
Hot and busy at Barton Bike Night.
Another sunny weekend at Cadwell with Classic Bike Trackdays.
And an even better one for Suzuki Live !
Next up ? Not sure. We like doing new things but there are plenty of established events that we'll get to if we can - please let us know if there's somewhere you think we should be. And we'll need your help too of course.
Rather than publish a list on here, the best place to see - and suggest - future shows, trackdays, meets and runs can be found on Forum Events.